Hi, I'm Phil Giangrande!
Now that you’ve taken your first step into the world of podcasting, it’s time to get excited!
It's my commitment to take you to step by step toward creating your perfect podcast.
One that has a powerful launch and attracts your target audience.
Let's get started!
Leverage my 15+ years of experience!
For the past 15 years, I worked as a radio producer, on-air contributor, and board engineer for iHeartmedia in Los Angeles.
I specialized in financial, legal, real estate, medical, business, and political talk show programming. Much of that time was spent coaching business owners through the process of hosting their own show for the purpose of building their brand and/or client base.
11 years ago I discovered podcasts and dove in headfirst. The long-form discussions and interviews suited my hosting and producing style. After a lot of trials and more than a few errors, I have honed my system. Now, I work with clients to help them brand their businesses and share their passions with the world.

You will benefit from having my years of experience in both talk radio and many genres of podcasting.
When I step into my coaching and production role, I will take you step by step and together we will build the best podcast possible.
"Start with what you do well, and you will already be halfway to mastery."
- Roger James Hamilton